Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Astrology Update February 2012

This lunar month started at New Moon on January 23rd coinciding with Mars beginning its retrograde motion. Whatever started then is likely to have an impact around the Full Moon on 7th February. This date coincides with Saturn going retrograde. Saturn and Mars are traditionally known as malefics and have a tendency to be troublesome. Although these planets represent essential drives and bring about plenty of beneficial outcomes, if their energies are expressed negatively the results can be far worse than with the other planets. When a planet is retrograde it’s hard to use the energy in a positive way so they are best accessed for reflection rather than action. Saturn rules over the corporeal world and represents the limitations of material reality.
In retrograde until late June, he will highlight issues with boundaries, restrictions, imposed borders, binding contracts as well as legal, social and religious regulations. Any attempts to enforce these might just be considered a line crossed, boundary breached or unfair discipline. It’s not a good time to push forward with a business contract, impose authority or create a new organisation. Use this time to question the existing arrangements and examine plans and proposals for areas that need review and renewal.
The next few months may seem like endless austerity and conflict. Repeatedly we see how things are just not working out the way they were intended. Whilst this might be our everyday experience there is something else occurring, not so noticeable but certainly both exceptional and profound. About every 164 years Neptune moves into Pisces. As one of the outer planets its journey through the zodiac is very slow taking about 13 years in each sign. Neptune moved into Pisces briefly in April until August last year but now it will stay there until 2025. The last time was between 1847 and 1862. The outer planets are evolutionary and mark time over generations. They affect us as a group and demonstrate deep and lasting social, political and spiritual change. To understand the significance of this event we need to consider the nature of Neptune.
At home in watery Pisces, it’s associated with the unified consciousness, our inter-connectedness and all that exists beyond the physical. It transcends and dissolves boundaries. Pisces represents both the material and spiritual co-existing. Finding the balance between the two is a hard art to practice. During this period we can expect to see a movement to more inclusion, less restraint and greater compassion. Existing boundaries, barriers, separation and segregation will be seen as an unnecessary fabrication when similarity and shared experiences unite people.
As Neptune blurs distinctions and recognisable definitions there may be confusion and disorientation. Some people will find themselves in a Neptunian state of denial and delusion as they try to maintain their personal vision of life. Over the next decade we will each need to choose whether to continue to accept what we are told to believe or begin to trust in our inner senses.

The next Full Moon is at 19° Leo on the 7th February at 9:54pm and the New Moon is at 3° Pisces on the 21st February at 10:35pm

Horoscopes February 2012

Spontaneity is the keyword for you this Full Moon and it's time to loosen up and have some fun, especially with close friends and children. If you're at a party and go just a little bit over the top, you will very likely be in good company, as this is a general time of celebration for all. Passion and intensity, on any topic you choose, can run rampant and your enthusiasm overflows. You have a strong emotional need for some romantic encounters but you do know how to nurture and maintain the romance in an existing relationship too. So take the plunge and enjoy!

This Full Moon you might find you needing to spend a lot of time at home and you may find great pleasure in looking after your children or family, cooking, making home improvements etc. You are especially sensitive to the moods of any others who share your personal space and although you will be strongly motivated to create a caring and secure environment around you, a crowd can be claustrophobic and you can get on each other's nerves. This is a time to acknowledge how the comfortable and familiar supports you. Draw on it as a source of strength as you prepare to achieve some great things out in the world.

Any trying or difficult emotional experiences you have this Full Moon result from having strong differences of opinion with someone you have to deal with every day. When you argue your case you are easily swayed by irrational arguments and emotions. Could it be that everybody is trying to get their message through but no one is listening? Try not to get distracted whilst you tie up important loose ends and meet deadlines. You need to keep some time for a new project or mental challenge. You could be making plans for travelling or starting a new class or training programme.

Learning to adjust to economic fluctuations is part of the process of maturing and this Full Moon will find you focusing on your personal resources. You can be a very kind and giving person but you also need to feel secure. Being a little more concerned with your financial status now is probably a good thing although some people may view you as unusually materialistic and possessive. This is a time to cash in on some of your hard earned investments and name your price for your efforts. Be confident in your skills and abilities and turn them to good use now as others will notice and reward you later.

The time is right during this Full Moon and the pressure is on to bring critical projects to a conclusion, put on finishing touches, and show the world just what you're all about. The emphasis is not so much on what you've done, but rather who you are, and it's the right time to let your personality out of the box and truly shine. You instinctively know how important feelings are for personal development and you have a powerful impact on your surroundings through your moods. You may be seen as over-emotional or sentimental, but you know how to provide a truly nurturing environment for others to grow and you’re motivated to show how much concern and care you have for others.

You have a need to withdraw from the world from time to time and commune with nature or your inner feelings. During this Full Moon you are extremely sensitive to your environment and might want to spend a lot of time enveloped in a very private emotional world where other people have difficulty getting in contact with you. Ideally create a place of your own which is sacred to you, and where you can be alone. In this private sphere or retreat, you can become aware of your many dreams and longings. Try to work more consciously with the inner world of your imagination through creative work or meditative practice for a few days.

You’ll want to know you have forged strong bonds with your friends and you are extremely sensitive to how they treat you over the Full Moon. You are both caring and concerned as regards their personal development, but easily hurt if they let you down in any way, so ensure that you spend time only with people that elevate and support you. Disconnect from the daily grind and tap into your personal happy side for a while. Fine food, pleasant company, tales of shared lives and mutual adventures bring a fullness that makes you realize that the good life is about feelings, not money, friendship, not possessions.

You have a strong sense of duty, and you may feel that your role is primarily to live up to family or social expectations over the Full Moon. You may realise that in your past a lot of your unconscious motivation has been aimed at living up to other people’s expectations. Now is the time to reach out for what you want for yourself and stand in the spotlight whilst acting the part of your unique self in all your glory. Take time out during these few days to wave your own flag and get noticed for your contribution before a new surge of personal creativity rolls in.

Think big, stretch the imagination, push the envelope of your beliefs and feelings this Full Moon. In the past you will have unconsciously been affected by the convictions and values of those close to you. The powerful need for a strong belief to hold on to that is solid and true for you demands your attention now. During these few days as your interest in philosophical and spiritual areas is heightened use the time to expand your inner window on the world and break new ground. The heady feeling of suddenly having put it all together can have you wondering now what to do with it all, but that will take care of itself down the line.

Experiences over this Full Moon will confirm to you that you must not depend on other people to provide emotional security for you. This could be a very transformative few days when you might unearth resources within yourself that you were previously unaware of. Your relationships will benefit from greater depth and understanding and your new knowledge will be of great help to everyone you contact on an intimate level. You no longer need to rely on certain items or possessions as you move on, so clear off the cobwebs that may have been settling on lesser-used items and toss out those useless things you've been hoarding, the burst of freedom will do you good.

You have difficulty distinguishing between what you feel and what those closest to you feel during this Full Moon. Tune in to yourself, and allow your partner or close friends to have their moods without imagining they always have something to do with your own actions. You could be thinking that you have all got a little too close and caught up with each other recently and soon you’ll need to stand back. Allowing yourself to fully connect with others is a special moment that can be enjoyed as close allies or partners become your focus. The support and equality you sense will produce welcome rewards later.

You may waste too much energy on menial tasks, thus getting distracted from the broader visions in your life during this Full Moon. You are likely to make yourself indispensable through being of service and you are excellent at tuning in to the physical needs of others, and generally happy to take on a lot of tasks - both in your career and around the house. If you are not careful however, other people will take advantage of you. This is the time you should be really getting things together for yourself whilst you can keep the focus on the details. Once you've put on the finishing touches, you'll be able to stand back and take pride in your accomplishments.

Monday, January 09, 2012

January 2012 Astrology - Mars Retrograde

As we fully enter into the New Year putting seasonal holidays behind us, the focus turns to everyday concerns once more. You may though have a niggling feeling that this year’s concerns might be anything other than “everyday”.

2012 has achieved heightened significance as the year when the world as we know it, changes. Whilst you are waiting and watching for these big changes to occur on the world stage you may not have noticed quite how much you’re changing in the privacy of your own inner life! Those who want to stay ahead of the game will have been actively making adjustments as fast as personal awareness will allow. The small personal shifts in the way we perceive things will bring about the best possible outcomes this year.

With socially minded Venus connecting with Neptune, the dissolver of boundaries, in altruistic Aquarius around the Full Moon on the 9th we are getting the message that other people really are equally important. This pair of caring planets makes a strong Air trine to stabilizing Saturn in Libra so expect greater participation in social activities that benefit the wider community. Benevolent Jupiter in down to earth Taurus is now moving forward again and sustains a supportive Earth trine to transformative Pluto through to March. This influence gives a much needed boost in the optimism department.

The big astrological story this month features feisty Mars which represents our basic survival instinct and energy for action. He is the thrust behind the desire to “have” or “achieve”. Currently traveling in modest and measured Virgo he is discerning and slow to act. Mars stays an unusually long time in this perfection seeking Earth sign, not moving into Libra until early July. Every twenty six months Mars turns retrograde. He’s now moving evermore slowly until on January 24th he’ll turn to retrace his steps, not going forward again until mid April. During this phase Mars comes closest to Earth (a phenomena known as perigee) and is visible in the night sky.

Any attempts to press forward with new ventures will likely be less effective than desired or end with unexpected outcomes. Somehow the energy required just dissipates and takes longer to regain momentum. This phase though has its benefits. Often Mars acts impulsively with a drive to achieve his goal at all costs and wins his prize through might and muscle rather than foresight and planning. Take advantage of Mars retrograde to be introspective and consider your motivations. Pay special attention to any “knee jerk” responses, defensive behavior and unconscious competitive drives. Those who don’t use the self reflective Virgo discernment may let their ambitions take control leading to an explosion of repressed anger as they cling to a desired outcome. Would be warmongers are well advised to have a rethink of their strategies now. Any aggressive action is likely to backfire badly.

For my detailed 2012 forecast visit

This Month’s New Moon is at 3° Aquarius on the 23rd January at 7:41am